TRB-5 Equivalent phases:
Restek: Rtx-5
Agilent: HP-5, Ultra-2, DB-5, CP-SIL8CB
Supelco: SPB-5, MDN-5
Macherey-Nagel: OPTIMA-5
Phenomenex: ZB-5
• Most versatile and universal stationary phase in the gas chromatography analysis field
• Characteristic affinity towards compounds with aromatic rings.
• Great thermal stability and chemical inertness for analizing acidic and basic compounds
• Ideal for analysis in the environmental field; dioxines, PCB´s, PCT´s, polyaromatic compounds, phenols, herbicides,
organochlorinated and organophosphorus pesticides, aromatic hydrocarbons, solvents, drugs, oils,etc...
• This column meets USP G27, USP G36 requirements.
95% Dimethyl- 5% diphenyl polysiloxane, bonded and crosslinked phase.
Semivolatiles according to EPA 8270 method
ASTM D4947 - Standard Test Method for Chlordane and Heptachlor Residues in Indoor Air
ASTM D5075 - Standard Test Method for Nicotine and 3-Ethenylpyridine in Indoor Air
ASTM D5442 - Standard Test Method for Analysis of Petroleum Waxes by Gas Chromatography
ASTM D5599 - Standard Test Method for Determination of Oxygenates in Gasoline by Gas Chromatography and Oxygen Selective Flame Ionization Detection
ASTM D5739 - Standard Practice for Oil Spill Source Identification by Gas Chromatography and Positive Ion Electron Impact Low Resolution Mass Spectrometry
Analysis of semivolatile, alkaloids, drugs, FAMEs, halogen compounds, pesticides, herbicides
TRB-5 Equivalent phases:
Restek: Rtx-5
Agilent: HP-5, Ultra-2, DB-5, CP-SIL8CB
Supelco: SPB-5, MDN-5
Macherey-Nagel: OPTIMA-5
Phenomenex: ZB-5