The name QuEChERS, which stands for Quick, Easy, Cleap, Effective, Rugged and Safe, is an effective system for determining pesticide residues in fruits, vegetables and other foods.
The QuEChERS method is a dispersive solid phase extraction (dSPE) system that involves two stages, a first extraction stage, followed by a cleaning or Clean-up phase of the extract, by dispersive solid phase extraction.
50 ml centrifuge tubes are used for sample extraction.
The analytes of interest are extracted from a 10 or 15 g sample by the addition of an organic solvent, the most commonly used being acetonitrile and a mixture of salts such as MgSO4 , NaCL and NaOAC , which are selected according to the recommended method, either the original or the buffered methods. The mixture obtained from each of the different methods is shaken and centrifuged to help improve extraction efficiency.
Teknokroma's QuEChERS Kits are fully adapted to the recommended methods such as EN15662, AOAC 2007.01, or the Mini-multiresidue method.
Salt/adsorbent in sample extraction pouches are available on request (P/N+K) .