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Gateway ATR Top Plates

To allow more flexibility of sample analysis we offer a range of crystal options for the Gateway ATR.

Electrically heated trough top-plate with ZnSe 45 deg crystal

This top-plate allows for the study of samples at elevated temperatures up to 200°C. It is electrically heated and is supplied with a temperature controller.

Flat top-plates

Flat top plates each have a 45° angle crystals, they are available ZnSe, Silicon and Germanium options.

Flow-through top-plates

This top-plate allows a sample to be flowed across the crystal via the sample ports on the flow plate. The sample flow rate is rated up to 60 p.s.i. maximum. The standard flow-through top-plate is for use at room temperature and has a volume of 550µl.

  • Process control
  • 550µl volume
  • Removable crystal
  • Variety of crystals available
  • Reaction monitoring

The thermostabilised top-plate can be heated by the flow of a thermocirulating solution surrounding the sample/crystal area. The temperature achievable is dependent on the thermocirculating fluid being used i.e water or oil etc.

  • Reaction kinetics
  • 550µl volume
  • Removable crystal
  • Stainless steel top-plate and Kalrez spacer
  • Heatable to 90°​

Trough top-plates

The trough top-plate assembly for the Gateway ATR is an easy way to convert the Gateway to analyze liquids and pastes. It comes as standard with a ZnSe crystal although other crystals are available and are interchangeable within the assembly.
The heated trough top-plate is a sub-ambient to 90°C version and is heated or cooled by thermo-circulating fluid.

Top Plate
Flat top-plates
Flow-through top-plates
Water Heated Trough Gateway ATR Top Plate
Gateway ATR Electrically Heated Trough Top Plate

Gateway ATR Top Plate

Flat top-plates

Flow-through top-plates

Water Heated Trough Gateway ATR Top Plate

Gateway ATR Electrically Heated Trough Top Plate

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