ECD & MS Triple filter to remove O2/Moisture/Hydrocarbons from carrier gas
GC/MS Triple filters specific for Helium from the carrier gas, removes O2/Moisture/Hydrocarbons and is conditioned with Helium.
FID High capacity filters to remove O2/moisture/hydrocarbons from the carrier gas and 2 combi filter hydrocarbons/moisture for
purifying gases (air and H2) used in a FID.
LC/MS filters to purify the N2 from hydrocarbons and one particulate air filter
TOC Filter for removal of carbon dioxide and sulphur from a gas stream is used in combination with a humidity filter
Use moisture filters :Moisture in carrier gas lines will prematurely degrade oxygen and hydrocarbon traps and increase detector noise.
As a precaution, we highly recommend installing a moisture trap before the hydrocarbon and oxygen traps on all carrier gas lines.
Use Oxigen filter: Oxygen is a column killer. It is present even in UHP gases, as minutes leaks at fittings allow oxygen to influx against
the concentration gradient. Because oxygen can enter a gas line at any fitting or during gas bottle exchange, the oxygen trap should be
the last connection before the gas line enters the chromatograph
Use Hydrocarbon filter: Use a hydrocarbon trap if your gas has a potential source of hydrocarbon contaminants or if you suspect you are
observing carrier gas ghost peaks. Install the hydrocarbon trap after the moisture trap, to prevent moisture from degrading the hydrocarbontrapping
ability of the activated carbon in the hydrocarbon trap.
Fuel Gas filter: Is a combi (hydrocarbon/moisture) filter. The Fuel Gas Filter is perfect for purifying flame ionization detector (FID) fuel gases, removing
both moisture and hydrocarbons. Using the Fuel Gas Filter for FID Hydrogen and air will produce a stable baseline, improving overall reproducibility and sensitivity.