Manual Actuators
Simplicity and low cost are the main advantages of manual actuation. Some models can be orderd with position feedback, an option which sends a signal to start a data system when the valve is switched.
Microelectric Actuators
The microelectric actuator consists of a control module, a stepper motor/gearbox assembly, a manual remote control, interconnecting cables, and a 110/230 VAC to 24 VDC power supply. The RS-232 interface cable, if required, must be ordered separately.
The microelectric actuator is designed for room temperature use. Valves which will be mounted in ovens require a standoff assembly.
Air Actuators
Air actuators are useful in situations where any spark could be disastrous or where there is no electricity available. They are small, relatively inexpensive, very rugged and dependable, and field-serviceable. Low gas consumption and lightweight, compact construction make the air actuator suitable for aerospace flight hardware applications as well as laboratory or process applications.