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HALO 90 Å Glycan, 2.7 µm, 4. 6 x 150 mm

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Precio Consultar
Length 150 mm
Column ID 4,6 mm
Technology Reverse Phase
Support Fused Core Silica
Brand Halo Glycan
Function Glycan
Type Analytical
Pore Size 90 Å
Particle Size 2,7 µm

90 Ångstrom pore size

Incorporates a highly polar ligand that contains 5 hydroxyl groups tethered to 2.7 µm Fused-Core® silica particles via novel, proprietary linkage chemistry (Table F)

Ideal for hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography (HILIC) separations of oligosaccharides, and particularly, of released and labeled glycans from glycoproteins and proteoglycans

Mobile phases typically consist of acetonitrile and aqueous ammonium formate buffer (50 mM, pH 4.4) used to form a gradient of increasing water content during elution Each lot of HALO® Glycan material is tested for quality assurance (Figure KK) by separation of a procainamide-reducing-end-labeled glycan ladder of oligosaccharides having 2–25 glucose units (GU).

Peaks for oligosaccharides composed of 5 and 10 GU must meet tight specifications for retention and peak width before lot is approved for glycan analysis

2 µm inlet frit

Pressure limit, 600 bar/9000 psi