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Inertsil Sil-150A 5µm Column 3 .0 x 250mm

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Precio 702,00€
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Length 250 mm
Column ID 3,0 mm
Technology Normal Phase
Support Silica
Brand Inertsil
Function Silica
Type Microbore
Pore Size 150 Å
Particle Size 5 µm
Format Column

Inertsil SIL-100A is a pure silica gel column available in normal phase mode. Because of the high quality of its silica gel, Inertsil SIL-100A achievs separation with sharp peaks and provides high column-to-column reproducibility.

This excellent silica gel ideally designed for HPLC is the basis for “Inertsil 3-series” of GL Scineces. GL Sciences is the first company which emphasized the importance of silica-gel purity and determined the nature of the silanol impurities in the Silica gel.

Inertsil SIL-150A is ultra pure silica gel column, and this ultra pure silica gel contains very low level of metal impurities and is durable and free from dents and cracks which can cause premature column failure. Compared to Inertsil SIL-100A, the silica’s surface area is smaller (320 m²/g). Retentivity of Inertsil SIL-150A is weaker than that of Inertsil SIL-100A.