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Kromasil 5-AmyCoat 4.6 x 75 mm

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Precio 1.619,21€
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Length 75 mm
Column ID 4,6 mm
Technology Chiral
Support Silica
Brand Kromasil Chiral
Function AmyCoat
Type Analytical
Pore Size SWP
Particle Size 5 µm

Polysaccharide-based Kromasil AmyCoat and CelluCoat stretch the limits for chiral chromatography. The silica is based on a proprietary matrix and coated with a functionalized amylose or cellulose selector.

Kromasil Chiral is based on super-wide pore silica particles in sizes 3, 5, 10 and 25 μm.

Kromasil amyCoat and CelluCoat are compatible with normal, polar organic and reversed mobile phases. switching between compatible normal to polar organic mobile phases does not lead to any reduction in performance and there is no need for solvent dedicated columns

With particle sizes from 3 μm to 25 μm giving identical selectivity, Kromasil AmyCoat and CelluCoat make it easy to scale up while retaining excellent performance

Kromasil amyCoat and CelluCoat can withstand flow rates equivalent to pressures of up to 400 bar – i.e. the limit for most standard HPlC systems.